My Professional Journey – With James Sanderson

Reflecting on my 33-year professional journey working with Listed Buildings and Historic Fabric, I’ve just realised how my colleagues and I have a finely honed a set of skills that now come naturally to us. Skills that are now second nature in preserving, enhancing and developing the historic environment.

This isn’t just a process based on detailed research and understanding it relies upon a great deal of problem solving, underpinned with creativity and working with like minded professionals across all disciplines.

It has been an absolute joy to have worked on some of the most significant buildings in the UK and over that period that work has included the delivery of the following:

  • Detailed Condition Surveys
  • Quinquennial Reports
  • Heritage Impact Assessments
  • Heritage Statements
  • Conservation Plans
  • Management Plans
  • Full Restoration Works
  • Repair and Maintenance Works
  • Intervention into Historic Fabric
  • Intervention into the Historic Environment

Alongside developing those skills in our architectural discipline, a few years ago we launched our own development company, Harrison Hunt. The company focuses on revitalising historic and listed buildings for a sustainable future. 

In the coming weeks, I intend to share some of our catalogue of experiences, successes and technical expertise.

Categories: Practice News